Library DH/DS Strategic Planning

Included Services

  • Initial meeting with library leaders to set session goals
  • Pre-planning with library leaders to design session(s)
  • In-person or virtual session(s)
  • Suggested follow-up activities to maintain momentum
  • Report
  • (Optional) Check-in meeting 6- to 12-months later

Work Sample

The general planning session guided participants through the essential first steps of designing a DH center tailored to the needs and desires of Connecticut College. Participants developed:

  • A vision for the Digital Humanities center and community by focusing on the low-tech and high-tech needs of the Connecticut College community
  • A list of current knowledge, skills, and interest levels at their campus, as well as potential areas of interest to focus on (i.e., data analysis and visualization, topic modeling, GIS, multimedia publication with Scalar, digital exhibit-building with Omeka, etc.)
  • A list of campus champions or potential champions and other support structures to give the DH/DS community the best chance to succeed
  • A set of potential events, activities, and programs that the center might offer
  • An outline of the structure of the center based on models and findings from the ECAR/CNI maturity framework for DH centers
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