Category: Testimonials

Praise for new book

This is the textbook that I wish I had had. I can’t think of a comparable work that weaves such an engaging historical case study together with such a breadth of methodological material, whether applied statistics, computational methods, or source bias. A must read. (Ian Milligan, Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Analysis, University of Waterloo)

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Book Review

It teaches us about how to ethically account for silences in the archive, how to intentionally approach the production of history, and how to creatively imagine what the future of digital humanities research can be. (Lauren Klein, Winship Distinguished Research Professor; Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at Emory University)

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Intro to Data Analysis Student Evaluation

The hands-on assignments for data cleaning and data visualization with Tableau, as well as the group note document were most helpful. I also think the community free response questions allow us to think critically about a topic and see how our classmates interpreted it as well. (Undergraduate student, UCLA, Summer 2022)

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